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This art installation opened at 'Studio's on The Park' in Paso Robles California for the 'Guns in America' show, January 2017.  It consists of 185 lunch box cut outs, each representing a school shooting from the 21st Century.  An almost 500% increase from the previous 20th Century where in 100 years from 1900-1999 there were 222 incidents.  In only 16 years, from 2000-2016 there have been 186.  Since the installation went up another school shooting has been recorded. WHY???​

By definition a school shooting is where fire arms were discharged on or near school property.

The number of deaths, injuries and a brief description of each incident are recorded on the front of each of the lunchbox handgun images.  Large bullet holes riddle the lunch boxes marking the death count.  Symbolic of the large holes left in the lives of those still living.  Smaller bullet holes count the injuries.  The distressed look of each box represents the trauma inflicted upon everyone involved.  Flowers and miniature bouquets adorn each work with black ribbons as tiny memorials of horrific acts.  On the backside of each work are the words, "PRAY FOR PEACE".  I use this on so many levels: for the energy of the words in accordance with Masaru Emoto's Hado work, as a reminder to all, PRAY FOR PEACE and as a plea of urgency to take steps towards PEACE.  We must ACT in order to receive an answer to our prayer for peace.

Few boxes are lined with white.  They mark incidents where by the grace of GOD, nobody was killed or injured.

​This work was created with a burning passion to end these horrific acts of violence in our schools and respectively all across America.  Our schools are a place where young people go to learn, grow and prepare for life.  It is our job and obligation to protect them.  Our schools should be a safe haven for our youth to be nurtured, to grow and learn to become compassionate, educated, creative contributors in our diverse American societies.  We need to invest in PEACE NOW.  Billions are spent on war, it is time to invest in PEACE and our children.  We need to give them tools to deal with their emotions.  

The arts have long been undervalued for their true gifts and strength.  All of the arts have been viewed as fluff and sadly cast aside in education as second best or removed completely.  There is a need for the arts in the lives of our youth now more than ever.  The arts can allow a safe expression for anger at what is happening in their lives personally and the world at large around them.  A world we have created for them and a world we will leave to them.  The arts are a way to channel these energies in a healthier more constructive way.   FUND THE ARTS!

I wrote the following about the work.


As Mother Teresa once said, “ I will not march against war, but I will stand for Peace”.  I will not point my finger at guns or drugs or games or life.  I will pray for peace.  If there were peace in the hearts of all mankind, we would not use guns to kill one another.

I pray we all find peace within.  May inner peace provides outer peace.  I pray for those who have lost their way.  May they peacefully release the rage and anger that caused them to lash out. 

I pray for those killed thru senseless acts of violence, may they rest in peace.  May their families, friends and loved ones find peace and comfort in the moments of love they shared before they were taken away too soon.

I pray for those traumatized and left behind, may they heal thru love and find peace within.   I pray we find a better way to settle our differences, release our pain, manage our anger & control our raging egos. 

I pray for more compassion, more forgiveness, more kindness, more love, more smiles, more kisses, more hugs, more laughter, more fun, more joy, more faith, more bliss, more adventure, more dreams, more magic, more temperance, more respect, more tolerance, more meditation, more belief in ourselves, in others, in the gift of life.

I pray we find a better way to channel anger.
I pray we release rage without harm to others.
I pray love heals us all.

What if art became a release for rage?  What if we channeled anger through the arts as a constructive expression of this energy instead of destructive acts of violence?  

What if we danced, and drew and built and painted and sculpted and designed a new way?  What if we release our anger and express our objections and show our passion and released our rage non-violently?

I pray we exchange the arts for anger and express our anger thru the arts.

The Artist Deprise

For more images of this work visit:
This art installation opened at 'Studio's on The Park' in Paso Robles California for the 'Guns in America' show, January 2017.  It consists of 185 lunch box cut outs, each representing a school shooting from the 21st Century.  An almost 500% increase from the previous 20th Century where in 100 years from 1900-1999 there were 222 incidents.  In only 16 years, from 2000-2016 there have been 186.  Since the installation went up another school shooting has been recorded. WHY???​

By definition a school shooting is where fire arms were discharged on or near school property.

The number of deaths, injuries and a brief description of each incident are recorded on the front of each of the lunchbox handgun images.  Large bullet holes riddle the lunch boxes marking the death count.  Symbolic of the large holes left in the lives of those still living.  Smaller bullet holes count the injuries.  The distressed look of each box represents the trauma inflicted upon everyone involved.  Flowers and miniature bouquets adorn each work with black ribbons as tiny memorials of horrific acts.  On the backside of each work are the words, "PRAY FOR PEACE".  I use this on so many levels: for the energy of the words in accordance with Masaru Emoto's Hado work, as a reminder to all, PRAY FOR PEACE and as a plea of urgency to take steps towards PEACE.  We must ACT in order to receive an answer to our prayer for peace.

Few boxes are lined with white.  They mark incidents where by the grace of GOD, nobody was killed or injured.

​This work was created with a burning passion to end these horrific acts of violence in our schools and respectively all across America.  Our schools are a place where young people go to learn, grow and prepare for life.  It is our job and obligation to protect them.  Our schools should be a safe haven for our youth to be nurtured, to grow and learn to become compassionate, educated, creative contributors in our diverse American societies.  We need to invest in PEACE NOW.  Billions are spent on war, it is time to invest in PEACE and our children.  We need to give them tools to deal with their emotions.  

The arts have long been undervalued for their true gifts and strength.  All of the arts have been viewed as fluff and sadly cast aside in education as second best or removed completely.  There is a need for the arts in the lives of our youth now more than ever.  The arts can allow a safe expression for anger at what is happening in their lives personally and the world at large around them.  A world we have created for them and a world we will leave to them.  The arts are a way to channel these energies in a healthier more constructive way.   FUND THE ARTS!

I wrote the following about the work.


As Mother Teresa once said, “ I will not march against war, but I will stand for Peace”.  I will not point my finger at guns or drugs or games or life.  I will pray for peace.  If there were peace in the hearts of all mankind, we would not use guns to kill one another.

I pray we all find peace within.  May inner peace provides outer peace.  I pray for those who have lost their way.  May they peacefully release the rage and anger that caused them to lash out. 

I pray for those killed thru senseless acts of violence, may they rest in peace.  May their families, friends and loved ones find peace and comfort in the moments of love they shared before they were taken away too soon.

I pray for those traumatized and left behind, may they heal thru love and find peace within.   I pray we find a better way to settle our differences, release our pain, manage our anger & control our raging egos. 

I pray for more compassion, more forgiveness, more kindness, more love, more smiles, more kisses, more hugs, more laughter, more fun, more joy, more faith, more bliss, more adventure, more dreams, more magic, more temperance, more respect, more tolerance, more meditation, more belief in ourselves, in others, in the gift of life.

I pray we find a better way to channel anger.
I pray we release rage without harm to others.
I pray love heals us all.

What if art became a release for rage?  What if we channeled anger through the arts as a constructive expression of this energy instead of destructive acts of violence?  

What if we danced, and drew and built and painted and sculpted and designed a new way?  What if we release our anger and express our objections and show our passion and released our rage non-violently?

I pray we exchange the arts for anger and express our anger thru the arts.

The Artist Deprise

For more images of this work visit:
Sandy Hook Elementary School Memorial & Statistics from the Pray For Peace Art Installation.
This art installation opened at 'Studio's on The Park' in Paso Robles California for the 'Guns in America' show, January 2017.  It consists of 185 lunch box cut outs, each representing a school shooting from the 21st Century.  An almost 500% increase from the previous 20th Century where in 100 years from 1900-1999 there were 222 incidents.  In only 16 years, from 2000-2016 there have been 186.  Since the installation went up another school shooting has been recorded. WHY???​

By definition a school shooting is where fire arms were discharged on or near school property.

The number of deaths, injuries and a brief description of each incident are recorded on the front of each of the lunchbox handgun images.  Large bullet holes riddle the lunch boxes marking the death count.  Symbolic of the large holes left in the lives of those still living.  Smaller bullet holes count the injuries.  The distressed look of each box represents the trauma inflicted upon everyone involved.  Flowers and miniature bouquets adorn each work with black ribbons as tiny memorials of horrific acts.  On the backside of each work are the words, "PRAY FOR PEACE".  I use this on so many levels: for the energy of the words in accordance with Masaru Emoto's Hado work, as a reminder to all, PRAY FOR PEACE and as a plea of urgency to take steps towards PEACE.  We must ACT in order to receive an answer to our prayer for peace.

Few boxes are lined with white.  They mark incidents where by the grace of GOD, nobody was killed or injured.

​This work was created with a burning passion to end these horrific acts of violence in our schools and respectively all across America.  Our schools are a place where young people go to learn, grow and prepare for life.  It is our job and obligation to protect them.  Our schools should be a safe haven for our youth to be nurtured, to grow and learn to become compassionate, educated, creative contributors in our diverse American societies.  We need to invest in PEACE NOW.  Billions are spent on war, it is time to invest in PEACE and our children.  We need to give them tools to deal with their emotions.  

The arts have long been undervalued for their true gifts and strength.  All of the arts have been viewed as fluff and sadly cast aside in education as second best or removed completely.  There is a need for the arts in the lives of our youth now more than ever.  The arts can allow a safe expression for anger at what is happening in their lives personally and the world at large around them.  A world we have created for them and a world we will leave to them.  The arts are a way to channel these energies in a healthier more constructive way.   FUND THE ARTS!

I wrote the following about the work.


As Mother Teresa once said, “ I will not march against war, but I will stand for Peace”.  I will not point my finger at guns or drugs or games or life.  I will pray for peace.  If there were peace in the hearts of all mankind, we would not use guns to kill one another.

I pray we all find peace within.  May inner peace provides outer peace.  I pray for those who have lost their way.  May they peacefully release the rage and anger that caused them to lash out. 

I pray for those killed thru senseless acts of violence, may they rest in peace.  May their families, friends and loved ones find peace and comfort in the moments of love they shared before they were taken away too soon.

I pray for those traumatized and left behind, may they heal thru love and find peace within.   I pray we find a better way to settle our differences, release our pain, manage our anger & control our raging egos. 

I pray for more compassion, more forgiveness, more kindness, more love, more smiles, more kisses, more hugs, more laughter, more fun, more joy, more faith, more bliss, more adventure, more dreams, more magic, more temperance, more respect, more tolerance, more meditation, more belief in ourselves, in others, in the gift of life.

I pray we find a better way to channel anger.
I pray we release rage without harm to others.
I pray love heals us all.

What if art became a release for rage?  What if we channeled anger through the arts as a constructive expression of this energy instead of destructive acts of violence?  

What if we danced, and drew and built and painted and sculpted and designed a new way?  What if we release our anger and express our objections and show our passion and released our rage non-violently?

I pray we exchange the arts for anger and express our anger thru the arts.

The Artist Deprise

For more images of this work visit:
This art installation opened at 'Studio's on The Park' in Paso Robles California for the 'Guns in America' show, January 2017.  It consists of 185 lunch box cut outs, each representing a school shooting from the 21st Century.  An almost 500% increase from the previous 20th Century where in 100 years from 1900-1999 there were 222 incidents.  In only 16 years, from 2000-2016 there have been 186.  Since the installation went up another school shooting has been recorded. WHY???​

By definition a school shooting is where fire arms were discharged on or near school property.

The number of deaths, injuries and a brief description of each incident are recorded on the front of each of the lunchbox handgun images.  Large bullet holes riddle the lunch boxes marking the death count.  Symbolic of the large holes left in the lives of those still living.  Smaller bullet holes count the injuries.  The distressed look of each box represents the trauma inflicted upon everyone involved.  Flowers and miniature bouquets adorn each work with black ribbons as tiny memorials of horrific acts.  On the backside of each work are the words, "PRAY FOR PEACE".  I use this on so many levels: for the energy of the words in accordance with Masaru Emoto's Hado work, as a reminder to all, PRAY FOR PEACE and as a plea of urgency to take steps towards PEACE.  We must ACT in order to receive an answer to our prayer for peace.

Few boxes are lined with white.  They mark incidents where by the grace of GOD, nobody was killed or injured.

​This work was created with a burning passion to end these horrific acts of violence in our schools and respectively all across America.  Our schools are a place where young people go to learn, grow and prepare for life.  It is our job and obligation to protect them.  Our schools should be a safe haven for our youth to be nurtured, to grow and learn to become compassionate, educated, creative contributors in our diverse American societies.  We need to invest in PEACE NOW.  Billions are spent on war, it is time to invest in PEACE and our children.  We need to give them tools to deal with their emotions.  

The arts have long been undervalued for their true gifts and strength.  All of the arts have been viewed as fluff and sadly cast aside in education as second best or removed completely.  There is a need for the arts in the lives of our youth now more than ever.  The arts can allow a safe expression for anger at what is happening in their lives personally and the world at large around them.  A world we have created for them and a world we will leave to them.  The arts are a way to channel these energies in a healthier more constructive way.   FUND THE ARTS!

I wrote the following about the work.


As Mother Teresa once said, “ I will not march against war, but I will stand for Peace”.  I will not point my finger at guns or drugs or games or life.  I will pray for peace.  If there were peace in the hearts of all mankind, we would not use guns to kill one another.

I pray we all find peace within.  May inner peace provides outer peace.  I pray for those who have lost their way.  May they peacefully release the rage and anger that caused them to lash out. 

I pray for those killed thru senseless acts of violence, may they rest in peace.  May their families, friends and loved ones find peace and comfort in the moments of love they shared before they were taken away too soon.

I pray for those traumatized and left behind, may they heal thru love and find peace within.   I pray we find a better way to settle our differences, release our pain, manage our anger & control our raging egos. 

I pray for more compassion, more forgiveness, more kindness, more love, more smiles, more kisses, more hugs, more laughter, more fun, more joy, more faith, more bliss, more adventure, more dreams, more magic, more temperance, more respect, more tolerance, more meditation, more belief in ourselves, in others, in the gift of life.

I pray we find a better way to channel anger.
I pray we release rage without harm to others.
I pray love heals us all.

What if art became a release for rage?  What if we channeled anger through the arts as a constructive expression of this energy instead of destructive acts of violence?  

What if we danced, and drew and built and painted and sculpted and designed a new way?  What if we release our anger and express our objections and show our passion and released our rage non-violently?

I pray we exchange the arts for anger and express our anger thru the arts.

The Artist Deprise

For more images of this work visit:


Pray For Peace Installation

Deprise Brescia

United States

Installation, Digital on Paper

Size: 36 W x 36 H x 36 D in

Ships in a Box


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Artist Recognition

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Artist featured in a collection

About The Artwork

This art installation opened at 'Studio's on The Park' in Paso Robles California for the 'Guns in America' show, January 2017. It consists of 185 lunch box cut outs, each representing a school shooting from the 21st Century. An almost 500% increase from the previous 20th Century where in 100 years from 1900-1999 there were 222 incidents. In only 16 years, from 2000-2016 there have been 186. Since the installation went up another school shooting has been recorded. WHY???​ By definition a school shooting is where fire arms were discharged on or near school property. The number of deaths, injuries and a brief description of each incident are recorded on the front of each of the lunchbox handgun images. Large bullet holes riddle the lunch boxes marking the death count. Symbolic of the large holes left in the lives of those still living. Smaller bullet holes count the injuries. The distressed look of each box represents the trauma inflicted upon everyone involved. Flowers and miniature bouquets adorn each work with black ribbons as tiny memorials of horrific acts. On the backside of each work are the words, "PRAY FOR PEACE". I use this on so many levels: for the energy of the words in accordance with Masaru Emoto's Hado work, as a reminder to all, PRAY FOR PEACE and as a plea of urgency to take steps towards PEACE. We must ACT in order to receive an answer to our prayer for peace. Few boxes are lined with white. They mark incidents where by the grace of GOD, nobody was killed or injured. ​This work was created with a burning passion to end these horrific acts of violence in our schools and respectively all across America. Our schools are a place where young people go to learn, grow and prepare for life. It is our job and obligation to protect them. Our schools should be a safe haven for our youth to be nurtured, to grow and learn to become compassionate, educated, creative contributors in our diverse American societies. We need to invest in PEACE NOW. Billions are spent on war, it is time to invest in PEACE and our children. We need to give them tools to deal with their emotions. The arts have long been undervalued for their true gifts and strength. All of the arts have been viewed as fluff and sadly cast aside in education as second best or removed completely. There is a need for the arts in the lives of our youth now more than ever. The arts can allow a safe expression for anger at what is happening in their lives personally and the world at large around them. A world we have created for them and a world we will leave to them. The arts are a way to channel these energies in a healthier more constructive way. FUND THE ARTS! I wrote the following about the work. "MY PRAYER FOR PEACE As Mother Teresa once said, “ I will not march against war, but I will stand for Peace”. I will not point my finger at guns or drugs or games or life. I will pray for peace. If there were peace in the hearts of all mankind, we would not use guns to kill one another. I pray we all find peace within. May inner peace provides outer peace. I pray for those who have lost their way. May they peacefully release the rage and anger that caused them to lash out. I pray for those killed thru senseless acts of violence, may they rest in peace. May their families, friends and loved ones find peace and comfort in the moments of love they shared before they were taken away too soon. I pray for those traumatized and left behind, may they heal thru love and find peace within. I pray we find a better way to settle our differences, release our pain, manage our anger & control our raging egos. I pray for more compassion, more forgiveness, more kindness, more love, more smiles, more kisses, more hugs, more laughter, more fun, more joy, more faith, more bliss, more adventure, more dreams, more magic, more temperance, more respect, more tolerance, more meditation, more belief in ourselves, in others, in the gift of life. I pray we find a better way to channel anger. I pray we release rage without harm to others. I pray love heals us all. What if art became a release for rage? What if we channeled anger through the arts as a constructive expression of this energy instead of destructive acts of violence? What if we danced, and drew and built and painted and sculpted and designed a new way? What if we release our anger and express our objections and show our passion and released our rage non-violently? I pray we exchange the arts for anger and express our anger thru the arts. THAT IS MY PRAYER FOR PEACE AMEN" The Artist Deprise For more images of this work visit:

Details & Dimensions

Multi-paneled Installation:Digital on Paper

Original:One-of-a-kind Artwork

Size:36 W x 36 H x 36 D in

Number of Panels:2

Shipping & Returns

Delivery Time:Typically 5-7 business days for domestic shipments, 10-14 business days for international shipments.

I am a multidisciplinary, mixed media artist. Merging science and spirituality, I create art for uplifting spaces. Acrylic, encaustic, stone, wood, digital art and photography are a few of my favorite materials. Semi precious stones, crystal grids, photography, digital painting and video art are collaged and painted together through acrylic and (molten beeswax) encaustic medium using Hado, chanting, music and prayer to achieve my desired results. I consider my work, "Transformational, Energy Art", due to the use of scientific techniques, proven to change vibrations & frequencies. Science and metaphysics are merged to create art for uplifting places and spaces. I blend scientific theories and spiritual perspectives from Masaru Emoto, Louise L. Hay, Paramahansa Yogananda, Buddha, The Dahli Lama, Mother Theresa, Jesus Christ, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, yoga, crystal grids, feng shui, Kabbalah, prayer and sacred geometry to leave both the viewer and environment transformed. Love and Light! Deprise

Artist Recognition

Artist featured in a collection

Artist featured by Saatchi Art in a collection

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