View All 26 Artworks

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Visual Arts Gallery

San Pawl il-Baħar


Welcome to Visual Arts, where creativity, passion, and innovation merge to craft breathtaking masterpieces. Our artist's soulful journey began early, finding solace and inspiration in art, creating stunning original artworks that captivate. Each piece reflects the power of human emotion, evoking bea...


Original Surrealism Abstract Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography19.7 W x 19.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Geometric Abstract Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography19.7 W x 19.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Surrealism Abstract Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography23.6 W x 15.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Surrealism Abstract Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography15.7 W x 23.6 H x 0.1 D in

Original Cubism Abstract Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography23.6 W x 15.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Surrealism Abstract Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography19.7 W x 19.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Abstract Expressionism Abstract Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography19.7 W x 19.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Surrealism Religion Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography19.7 W x 19.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Abstract Religion Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography15.7 W x 23.6 H x 0.1 D in

Original Abstract Religion Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography23.6 W x 15.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Abstract Religion Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography19.7 W x 19.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Abstract Love Photography by Visual Arts Gallery
Lips V

Photography23.6 W x 15.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Abstract Love Photography by Visual Arts Gallery
Lips IV

Photography23.6 W x 15.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Abstract Love Photography by Visual Arts Gallery
Lips III

Photography19.7 W x 19.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Abstract Love Photography by Visual Arts Gallery
Lips II

Photography19.7 W x 19.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Abstract Love Photography by Visual Arts Gallery
Lips I

Photography19.7 W x 19.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Abstract Religious Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography19.7 W x 19.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Abstract Religious Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography19.7 W x 19.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Abstract Religious Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography19.7 W x 19.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Abstract Religious Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography19.7 W x 19.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Abstract Religious Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography13.8 W x 13.8 H x 0.1 D in

Original Surrealism Abstract Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography23.6 W x 15.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Fine Art People Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography19.7 W x 19.7 H x 0.1 D in

Original Conceptual People Photography by Visual Arts Gallery

Photography19.7 W x 19.7 H x 0.1 D in

View All 26 Artworks

Commission Visual Arts Gallery

If you’re interested in commissioning this artist for a custom artwork, inquire here.