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Photo by Chase Daniel
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$500 - $1,000
$1,000 - $2,000
$2,000 - $5,000
$5,000 - $10,000
Over $10,000
Fallen #4
Paintings, 27.6 W x 19.7 H x 0.8 D in
tomas nittner
Tanja’s Back
Drawings, 47.2 W x 27.6 H x 0.1 D in
Tanja, sitting
Drawings, 27.6 W x 47.2 H x 0.1 D in
Tanja, Resting
Drawings, 47.2 W x 31.5 H x 0.1 D in
Tanja, Kneeling
Drawings, 47.2 W x 47.2 H x 0.1 D in
Greta, Restin (2)
Drawings, 47.2 W x 31.5 H x 0.8 D in
Greta, Resting (1)
Fallen 3
Fallen 2
Fallen 1
Doig’s Creek
Paintings, 15.7 W x 11.8 H x 0.8 D in
Alexandra, sitting
Drawings, 31.5 W x 47.2 H x 0.1 D in
Alexandra, front
Drawings, 35.4 W x 47.2 H x 0.1 D in
Die Vorratskammern der Nächte der Circe
Paintings, 35.4 W x 43.3 H x 0.2 D in
Prints from $115
Paintings, 27.6 W x 35.4 H x 0.2 D in
Prints from $140
The Mongolian
Paintings, 11.8 W x 15.7 H x 0.8 D in
Prints from $95
The Italian
Paintings, 19.7 W x 27.6 H x 0.8 D in
Prints from $150
The Hill
Paintings, 23.6 W x 19.7 H x 0.8 D in
The Bunkers
Paintings, 23.6 W x 19.7 H x 1.6 D in
Two Lemons
The Dentist's Wife
Paintings, 15.7 W x 15.7 H x 0.8 D in
Flesh Mountain
Paintings, 19.7 W x 23.6 H x 0.8 D in
The Black Gloves
Paintings, 31.5 W x 23.6 H x 0.8 D in
folio 27
Drawings, 33.5 W x 41.7 H x 0.4 D in
Seneca - The Advocate of Duty
Paintings, 39.4 W x 55.1 H x 1 D in
Pontius Pilatus - The Coward of the Law
Plato - Socrates' Enunciator
Nerone - The Genius of Madness
Herostratos - The Arrogance of Destruction
Heraklit - The dark Power
Epikur - The advocate of Reasonable Life
Archimedes - The Inventor of Science
Aischylos - The Godfather of Drama
Three Moira - the Guardians of Destiny
Ulisses - the wayward wanderer
Ikaros (The Beginning)
Paintings, 78.7 W x 118.1 H x 1 D in
Sisyphos 12 (the throne)
Paintings, 39.4 W x 47.2 H x 1 D in
Sisyphos 11 (the throne)
Paintings, 27.6 W x 39.4 H x 1 D in
Sisyphos 10 (home, sweet home)
Paintings, 39.4 W x 27.6 H x 1 D in
Prints from $40
Sisyphos 9 (home, sweet home)
Sisyphos 8 (cornered)
Sisyphos 16 (cornered)
Sisyphos 6 (cornered)
Paintings, 63 W x 55.1 H x 1 D in
Sisyphos 5 (cornered)
Paintings, 55.1 W x 47.2 H x 1 D in
Sisyphos 1 (cornered)
Paintings, 63 W x 47.2 H x 1 D in
Jig Saw 9
Paintings, 110.2 W x 55.1 H x 1 D in
Jig Saw 8
Prints from $62
Jig Saw 7
Jig Saw 6
Prints from $100
Jig Saw 5
Paintings, 39.4 W x 51.2 H x 1 D in
Jig Saw 4
Jig Saw 3
Jig Saw 2
Prints from $98
Jig Saw 1
Wächter der toten Helden (The Guards of Dead Heroes)
Mira La Douce Mort
Moira Kaaba
La Maga
Sonngemahl (The Sun's Groom)
Paintings, 51.2 W x 70.9 H x 1 D in
Mondenbraut (The Moon's Bride)
Ikaros Fluchtgewand
Paintings, 51.2 W x 55.1 H x 1 D in
Ikaros Brandberg
Paintings, 47.2 W x 55.1 H x 1 D in
chrome 5
Paintings, 47.2 W x 39.4 H x 1 D in
chrome 4
chrome 3
Prints from $120
chrome 2
chrome 1
Paintings, 39.4 W x 31.5 H x 1.2 D in
the bard's tale
tears of mirth
Prints from $70
st. ex
Paintings, 55.1 W x 47.2 H x 0.8 D in
sylla + charibidis
scorpio rising
sanctuary revisited
Paintings, 47.2 W x 55.1 H x 0.8 D in
san-an (safe passage)
rosemary's baby
richard III
Paintings, 47.2 W x 39.4 H x 1.2 D in
Paintings, 47.2 W x 39.4 H x 0.8 D in
"meantime we shall tend to our darker purposes" (lear)"
limes revisited
le siège du roi
1 - 100 of 228 artworks