Andras Kovacs

Andras Kovacs Artworks

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Golden Groove Lumière: A Fusion of Sound and Style thumb


A Timeless Tribute to Music's Golden Era thumb

A Timeless Tribute to Music's Golden Era

Sculpture14 W x 20 H x 6 D in


Mötley Crüe - Dr. Feelgood’s Vinyl Lights thumb

Mötley Crüe - Dr. Feelgood’s Vinyl Lights

Sculpture20 W x 30 H x 7 D in


Knocking on heaven's door knocker thumb

Knocking on heaven's door knocker

Sculpture5 W x 10 H x 4 D in


"Royal Rhythms" - The King's mood thumb

"Royal Rhythms" - The King's mood

Sculpture14 W x 14 H x 5 D in


"Royal Rhythms" - The King's mood II thumb

"Royal Rhythms" - The King's mood II

Sculpture14 W x 14 H x 5 D in


Custom made star mirror and mood lamp. 2 way lights. thumb


Custom made remote controlled drink cooler. Gretsch tom drum thumb
Custom made drink cooler, mood lights, door knocker thumb


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