5D Instigative Heads by Alla

5D Instigative Heads’ is a pioneering experimental work that transforms the production and consumption of representational art through digital technologies. The ‘Heads’ are 3D scans (motion-captions) of facial expressions painted in oil (texture maps) and then digitally merged, moulded and deformed in space and time (3D modelling and animation), integrated with electro-acoustic landscapes and augmented reality, printed in 3D and projected. Works: - Animation 'Pat's Head' - Animation 'Rocking Madonna’ integrated with electro-acoustic landscape - Animation '‘Giving Birth Out of Her Head’ - Four animations 'Four heads spin’ - Paintings of the 'texture maps' - Prints of 3D animation stills - 3D print of a still
Alla Tkachuk
2 Artworks curated by Alla Tkachuk

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