Bringing The Outside In

Solo show “Bringing The Outside In” ; through drawings, paintings, sculpture and sound within the confines of an enclosed space. to recreate my own interpretation of the garden. Using the senses to create a physical and visual experience within the artwork.Capturing and encapsulating the essence of the Botanic Garden, its timelessness and calm is something that truly fascinates me. Through this exhibition I am interested in ways of recording its importance and uniqueness in its identity as a place of history, education, scientific research, but also a place of escapism and where visitors feel a true sense of ownership and belonging.
Dionne Freeman
2 Artworks curated by Dionne Freeman
stitch5 thumb


Photography60 W x 16 H x 1 D in

david cartwright

United States

horseshoestitched thumb


Photography32 W x 20 H x 1 D in

david cartwright

United States

treesonwater thumb


Photography30 W x 20 H x 1 D in

david cartwright

United States

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