In this group of paintings, I depict elements of nature. My theme revolves around the birds and flowers of the Cerrado, as well as native fishes of the Amazon: Sarro (corydoras sp), Acará Açu (Astronotus spp), and birds such as Picapau (colaptes campestris), Araçari (Pteroglossus), Arara (Ara ararauna), Tucani (Ramphastos), and critically endangered primates like the Black Tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus). My inspiration comes from the chromatic coincidences found in the paintings of Sonia Delaunay (a pioneer of European modernism and abstract art in the early 20th century) and Mestre Ataíde, a painter and sculptor from the Brazilian Baroque period who lived in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
Andrea  Pomodoro
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