"Painter Of the Horizons" Nightless Night 2022, Southern Horizons

This series is shot during the longest daylight period of the year. The "Nightless Night" of June 20-21.06.2022 In front of Helsinki Archipelago. "Painter of the Horizons" comes from a Finnish idiom, phrase "Taivaanrannan Maalari".  It is a person who is daydreaming his/hers life away. The Idea of turning this phrase into art came to me in the south & west archipelago of Finland in 2020.  Turning the most beautiful light known to me into horizontal colorfields and vertical emotions of light.  To an uplifting experience.  This emotion I wish to pass on to my audience. Southern Horizons are Impressionist, gentle & joyful in mood.
Don Kalervo
8 Artworks curated by Don Kalervo

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