
Oil on canvas paintings. Each painting is a unique vision of eroticism and sexuality. Personal artist's photos are often used that make the paintings even more explicit. ​
Marie Getta
18 Artworks curated by Marie Getta
OPIUM - original oil painting, nude, erotic art, figurative, red, man and woman, art decor, original gift thumb
DRAGON FRUIT - original oil painting, canvas painting, erotic art, naked woman figure, nude, pink, original gift, home decor, fine art thumb
RED BREATH - original oil painting, erotic art, fine art, expressionism, original gift, art decor, home decor, gift idea thumb
ANONYMOUS - original oil painting, nude, erotic, red, woman, fingers, nipples, naked, nu, gift idea thumb
TAKING A BATH - original oil painting, nude, erotics, figurative, red, woman, naked, nu, primitive, art decor thumb
IN A DEEP BLUE - original oil painting, erotic, sex, love, figurative, fine art, blue, purple, home decor, large canvas, elite, expensive thumb
PEARLS - original oil painting, erotic art, woman figure, naked, nude art, expressionism, nu, erotics, art decor, home decor, original gift thumb
PEARLS#2 - original oil painting, erotic art, woman figure, naked, nu, expressionism, pink, nude, home decor, art decor, gift idea thumb
LOVERS - original oil painting, erotic art, women love, naked, nipples, anti-racism, expressionism, red, erotics, home decor, original gift, elite art thumb
TASTE - original oil on canvas painting, erotics, sex, lesbian, naked, woman figure, fine art, expressionism, red, green, home decor, art decor thumb
SUBMISSION - original oil portrait, canvas painting, erotic art, woman portrait, lips, red, sex, erotics, original gift, home decor, unique thumb
SUBMISSION#2 - original oil portrait, canvas painting, erotic art, portrait, purple, bdsm, sex, special gift, art decor, unique thumb
SUBMISSION#3 - original oil portrait, canvas painting, erotic art, woman portrait, nude, naked, erotics, original gift, home decor, fine art thumb
ANTICIPATION - original painting, erotic art, woman portrait, pop art, expressionism, red, green, nu, erotics, art decor, oil on canvas thumb
MORNING IN SICILY - original oil painting, erotics, fine art, expressionism, gift idea, pink, love, sex, man and woman thumb
RIPE CHERRY - original oil painting, erotics, erotic art, pop art, gift idea, original gift, turquoise, cherry, girl, love, sex thumb
A GLASS OF WINE - original oil painting, erotic art, expressionism, home decor, woman, naked, red lips, wine, yellow, hair, sexy thumb
AURORA - original oil painting, woman portrait, red, green, black, art decor, home decor thumb

1 - 18 artworks

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