Atmósfera Uruguay

Atmósfera Uruguay was inspired from hundreds of mobile photographs captured during the daily observation of nature in the sky. From these small elements of inspiration, I compose scenes that overlap several moments and places in Uruguay, taking the search towards new dimensions of contemplation. Artworks include 4k photography of uruguayan landscapes, some of them mixed with digitalized watercolor paintings. In other cases, landscapes from very different places are joined to create a single image.
Laura Abad
6 Artworks curated by Laura Abad
Puerto thumb


Photography43.3 W x 28.3 H x 0.2 D in


Isla de las Gaviotas thumb

Isla de las Gaviotas

Mixed Media78.7 W x 35.4 H x 0.2 D in


Amanece thumb


Photography78.7 W x 40.9 H x 0.2 D in


Butiá thumb


Photography39.4 W x 61.8 H x 0.2 D in


Pájaro thumb


Photography59.1 W x 33.1 H x 0.1 D in


Árboles thumb


Photography49.2 W x 32.7 H x 0.1 D in


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