Printmaking - unique pieces - handmade

Picasso, Chagall, Miro', Dubuffet, Matisse and many other contemporary artists produced exceptional monotypes. The beauty of the monotype medium lies in its spontaneity and its combination of printmaking, painting, and drawing mediums. Traces, memory prints, sequences, rhythms, points, shades, fades, lines. All these words express the power in printmaking. I use my hand for pressing, my fingers or wood pieces for tracing. Obviously, a will for a primitive and brut approach. A technique that creates stronger bonds between me and the paper as if we are united with the sense, in the flesh. A unique sensual experience for unique pieces. The use of yellowish newspaper enhances the impact of time. “Le temps qui passe”.
Josephina Charabati
1 Artworks curated by Josephina Charabati

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