Statue of Liberty digital art

Statue of Liberty digital art prints created from the original photographs which were taken in 2019. In this collection there are mostly pencil sketches and watercolor prints. Pop art and modern styles.
Maria Kray
35 Artworks curated by Maria Kray
Statue of Liberty with paint powder explosion in black and white thumb


Prints from $41

Statue of liberty vintage style pencil sketch thumb

Statue of liberty vintage style pencil sketch

Digital, 30 W x 20 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $42

Statue of liberty vintage style pencil sketch thumb

Statue of liberty vintage style pencil sketch

Digital, 20 W x 30 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $42

Statue of liberty vintage style, pencil sketch thumb

Statue of liberty vintage style, pencil sketch

Digital, 20 W x 30 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $42

Statue of Liberty digital pop art thumb

Statue of Liberty digital pop art

Digital, 30 W x 30 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $42

Statue Liberty digital pop art thumb

Statue Liberty digital pop art

Digital, 20 W x 30 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $42

Statue of Liberty digital art deco thumb

Statue of Liberty digital art deco

Digital, 30 W x 20 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $42

Statue of Liberty digital pop art thumb

Statue of Liberty digital pop art

Digital, 20 W x 30 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $42

Statue of Liberty digital pop art thumb

Statue of Liberty digital pop art

Digital, 20 W x 30 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $42

Statue of Liberty digital pop art thumb

Statue of Liberty digital pop art

Digital, 30 W x 20 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $42

Statue of Liberty digital pop art thumb

Statue of Liberty digital pop art

Digital, 20 W x 30 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty thumb

Statue of Liberty

Digital, 30 W x 20 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty on fire thumb

Statue of Liberty on fire

Digital, 30 W x 20 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty on fire thumb

Statue of Liberty on fire

Digital, 20 W x 30 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty with American flag and New York on background thumb


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty thumb

Statue of Liberty

Digital, 20 W x 30 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty architectural sketch thumb

Statue of Liberty architectural sketch

Digital, 30 W x 20 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty on fire thumb

Statue of Liberty on fire

Digital, 20 W x 15 H x 0.1 D in



Prints from $40

View more works
Statue of Liberty thumb

Statue of Liberty

Digital, 16 W x 20 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of liberty thumb

Statue of liberty

Digital, 30 W x 20 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty thumb

Statue of Liberty

Digital, 16 W x 20 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty thumb

Statue of Liberty

Digital, 30 W x 20 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty burning thumb

Statue of Liberty burning

Digital, 36 W x 24 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty thumb

Statue of Liberty

Digital, 30 W x 20 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty thumb

Statue of Liberty

Digital, 20 W x 15 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty thumb

Statue of Liberty

Digital, 16 W x 16 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty with American flag and New York on background thumb


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty with American flag thumb

Statue of Liberty with American flag

Digital, 25 W x 20 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty thumb

Statue of Liberty

Digital, 20 W x 15 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty with colorful holi paint dust explosion thumb


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty with American flag thumb

Statue of Liberty with American flag

Digital, 21 W x 14 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty with colorful rainbow holi paint dust explosion thumb


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty thumb

Statue of Liberty

Digital, 15 W x 12 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty thumb

Statue of Liberty

Digital, 16 W x 16 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

Statue of Liberty thumb

Statue of Liberty

Digital, 24 W x 20 H x 0.1 D in


Prints from $40

1 - 35 artworks

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