Results for "Colored Pastel" Drawings Artworks

LANDSCAPE: ITALIAN LANDSCAPE, RIVER, SWAMP, REED PLANTS, CLOUD, HILL #01 - Landscapes of Italy and Rome countryside: pastel drawing serie thumb
LANDSCAPE: ITALIAN LANDSCAPE, DIRT ROAD, TREES #01 - Landscapes of Italy and Rome countryside: pastel drawing serie thumb
LANDSCAPE: ITALIAN LANDSCAPE, SEA, BAY, BUSH, MOUNT #01 - Landscapes of Italy and Rome countryside: pastel drawing serie thumb
DREAMY GIRL - Colored pastel drawings of dreamy girl and woman series thumb
DREAMY GIRL: BLONDE GIRL - Colored pastel drawings of dreamy girl and woman series thumb
STUDY DRAWING IN COLORED PASTEL: NUDE THREE ANGLES - Studies, sketches and drawings in pencils, colored pencils, graphite and crayons series thumb
DREAMY GIRL: BLUE ELECTRIC DREAM - Colored pastel drawings of dreamy girl and woman series thumb
STUDY DRAWING IN COLORED PASTEL: SHY NUDE - Studies, sketches and drawings in pencils, colored pencils, graphite and crayons series thumb
DREAMY GIRL:  DREAM IN BLACK AND WHITE- Colored pastel drawings of dreamy girl and woman series thumb
STUDY DRAWING IN PENCIL AND COLORED PASTELS: NUDE KNEELING - Studies, sketches and drawings in pencils, colored pencils, graphite and crayons series thumb
STUDY DRAWING IN COLORED PASTEL: NUDE SITTING THREE ANGLES - Studies, sketches and drawings in pencils, colored pencils, graphite and crayons series thumb
DREAMY GIRL: THE WOMAN IN THE MIRROR - Colored pastel drawings of dreamy girl and woman series thumb
DREAMY GIRL: VISION - Colored pastel drawings of dreamy girl and woman series thumb
STUDY DRAWING IN COLORED PASTEL: NUDE SITTING THREE ANGLES - Studies, sketches and drawings in pencils, colored pencils, graphite and crayons series thumb
STUDY DRAWING IN COLORED PASTELS: SITTING NUDE BY LATERAL - Studies, sketches and drawings in pencils, colored pencils, graphite and crayons series thumb
DREAMY GIRL: WORDS - Colored pastel drawings of dreamy girl and woman series thumb
Art's Duty thumb

Art's Duty

Drawings, 13 W x 9.4 H x 0 D in


Prints from $40

1 - 17 drawings

50 Results Per Page
