Fragmented intersections

On a conceptual level, this series of works talks about nature, an abstract vegetal geometry arranged in an open vertical composition, meant to suggest the strength, but also the tenderness of natural phenomena. The imaginary continuation of each edge of the work generates a network, a labyrinth of intersections and connections, intercommunication specific to the natural environment. This maze is created to trap the viewer in this imaginary canvas.
Dan Jula
2 Artworks curated by Dan Jula
Original  Sculpture by Dan Jula

The old friend

Sculpture14.6 W x 22.8 H x 16.1 D in

Dan Jula


Original  Sculpture by Dan Jula

Clouds in the sky

Sculpture12.2 W x 28.7 H x 14.2 D in

Dan Jula



1 - 2 artworks

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